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Каракалпакстан Хорезм Бухара Навои Кашкадарья Самарканд Джиззах Сурхандарья СырдарьяSirdaryaThe Syrdarya region is located in the eastern part of central Uzbekistan, to the south of the river Syrdaryo, which gave its name to the region. The region borders with the Republic of Kazakhstan in the north, the Tashkent region in the south, the Republic of Tajikistan in the southeast and the Djizzak region in the West. The area of Syrdarya region has expanded due to developing new lands in the Mirzachol Desert. The region is rich in many natural resources, including various minerals. There a big reserve of gold, silver, copper, iron, tungsten, quartz, granite, marble, gravel, sand, etc. |
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